Neck Pain
Neck pain is a common complaint seen at Adapt Sports Therapy. The flexibility enabling the neck to move in so many different directions makes it less stable than other parts of the body. This instability makes the neck susceptible to a variety of injuries.
Neck injuries can result in a few days of mild discomfort from looking down at your phone or sleeping in a bad position to chronic pain, stiffness, and decreased range of motion lasting months. While trauma can lead to many conditions causing acute neck pain, many of the root causes of ongoing neck pain are posture related. Sitting at desks, driving in cars and constantly looking down at devices promotes imbalances in the muscles that support and move the neck. These strength discrepancies can lead to poor movement patterns and put excessive stress on the joints, ligaments, tendons and other structures of the neck.
Signs and Symptoms:
• Tight/achy stiffness
• Decreased range of motion
• Sharp/tingling pain or numbness
• Pain due to poor posture, desk work, or driving
• Tension headaches
How We Can Help:
Neck pain can severely limit day to day activities so identifying the source is critical. Providers at Adapt Sports Therapy are skilled in diagnosing and treating neck conditions through conservative, non-invasive treatments. To learn more about how we can help, schedule a consultation with one of our qualified providers today.