Upper Cross Syndrome
Upper Cross Syndrome (UCS) is primarily caused by poor posture over long periods of time. This includes rounding of the upper back shoulders accompanied by a forward drift of the head. Working at a desk, reading/looking at devices with poor posture, prolonged periods of driving and muscular imbalances in the neck and shoulder region all contribute to upper cross syndrome. While we are often unable to cut out these activities from our daily lives, there are many ways to improve the body’s resiliency to these stresses.
Signs and Symptoms:
• Decreased range of motion in the neck and shoulders
• Rounded posture
• Headaches
• Neck pain and stiffness
• Tightness in the pectoral musculature and chest
• Upper back pain from prolonged sitting or desk work
How We Can Help:
At Adapt Sports Therapy, our providers are experts in identifying the underlying causes of UCS and treating the associated pain through soft tissue therapy, corrective exercise and sport-specific instruction. To learn more about how we can help, schedule a consultation with one of our qualified providers today.