Groin/High Adductor Strain
The adductors, a muscle group which originates at the groin, is an area on the inner thigh that is commonly injured in people involved in activities which require running and cutting movements. Cross-fitters, Soccer and football players are some of the most common athletes that experience groin strains. These types of injuries can occur with acute contracture of the adductor muscles when running, jumping, or kicking. This can be an injury that takes a longer time to heal. Having a team of experts who can properly assess and treat a groin strain can speed up recovery and restore function.
Signs and Symptoms:
· Pain or swelling of the inner thigh
· Bruising of the inner thigh
· Pain with stretching
· Weakness kicking, running or pivoting
How We Can Help:
Providers at Adapt Sports Therapy are skilled in identifying the source of groin strains and treating them through soft tissue therapy, exercise and sport-specific instruction. To learn more about how we can help, schedule a consultation with one of our qualified providers today.